Curl Command Usage and Functionality
7 ay önce yazıldı. | Okuma süresi: 5 dk.

I want to talk about the topic of Curl for a long time. Let's start with what Curl is. Curl is a command system that can be used with any programming language. With this command system, you can perform various tasks on remote servers.

Think of it like a simple robot. You can tell Curl to go to a specific address, fetch something, or even login with a username and password.

Of course, over time, Curl has gained many features.

Initially, Curl had a simple syntax like "curl [parameters] [url]." But over time, it evolved with the addition of various options. Before we get into these options, let's explore the basic and intermediate usage models of Curl.

First, there's the basic model, which allows you to perform simple tasks with Curl:

curl http://www.example.com
curl -O http://www.example.com/file.zip
curl -L http://www.example.com

With the first command, you can fetch content from example.com. The second command, using the -O option, allows you to download a file named file.zip. The third command, with the -L option, follows links and redirects.

There are also usage examples for data transfers:

curl -d "key1=value1&key2=value2" http://www.example.com/login
curl -d '{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}' http://www.example.com/api
curl -F "file=@path_of_file" http://www.example.com/upload

In these examples, the first one sends post data directly as values, the second one sends data in JSON format, and the third one sends a file.

For intermediate-level authentication, you can use Curl like this:

curl -u username:password http://www.example.com/admin
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_VERY_SECRET_TOKEN"

In the first model, you can log in to the admin panel with a username and password. In the second example, you can send a highly (:P) secret token in the header using the -H option.

Now, let's talk about some other models:

curl --limit-rate 1M -O http://www.example.com/file.zip
curl -C --O http://www.example.com/file.zip
curl -x https://server:port http://www.example.com

In the first example, you can limit the download rate (here: 1 MB). In the second, you can resume a partially downloaded file. In the third, you can access a server through a proxy by specifying a port. You can further customize these commands by adding usernames and passwords.

Curl can also be used for various purposes:

curl --help
curl --help all
curl -v http://www.example.com
curl -I http://www.example.com
curl --version

With the first two commands, you can view usage models. The -v option allows you to inspect what's happening in verbose mode (useful for long-running tasks). -I retrieves only the headers. --version shows you the version of Curl you are using.

For SSL operations, you can use Curl like this:

curl -k https://www.example.com
curl --cert mycert.pem https://www.example.com

In the first example, you can access a site over SSL without verifying the certificate. In the second example, you can access a site with a specified certificate.

Additionally, you can use options like -f or --fail for handling errors, -d or --data for posting data, --include for adding headers, --output for getting output, --remote-name or -O for saving output to a remote file, --silent for running in silent mode, -T or --upload-file for local file transfers, and -A or --user-agent for specifying the user agent.

So, this is what Curl is all about!
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